Rubber Plant

The Rubber Plant is a staple in any indoor garden. The plant grows well in bright conditions and groups well with other plants. In nature, they grow to be massive trees, so be careful to limit its size.


  • Prefers wet, tropical conditions
  • Lots of bright indirect light
  • Leaf loss and leggyness can be signs of not enough light.
  • Drought tolerant

Rubber plants don't like dry air, so don't put them in the path of air conditioning units. Misting regularly to keep plants happy.

Water and Soil

  • Use well draining soil
  • In growth season, keep soil moist
  • In dormant season, let dry between watering
  • Prone to temperature shock, water with lukewarm water.
  • Feed only in growing season

Water the rubber plant according to the season. In the growing season the plant should be kept moist. The leaves will droop when there is not enough water.

Potting, Pruning, and Propagation

  • Restrict plants to small pots to limit their growth
  • Trim in spring and summer to shape your plant
  • Propagate through Layering

Allowing the plant to become rootbound will limit its growth before it overtakes our space. Rubber plants will ooze a milky white liquid when cut but don't be alarmed. Prune these plants as needed to achieve the desired shape.

last updated: 1/27/2020, 7:36:41 PM