
Aloe plants are easy care succulents that can also be used for burns, cuts, or just as general moisturizer. Aloe plants are easy to grow if given a bright south facing window and well draining soil. Make sure the container drains well to prevent root rot. Aloe plants can be a little root bound, and fill out a container well when allowed to overflow.


  • Bright full to bright indirect light.
  • Room temperature is ideal, do not expose to cold nights

Aloe plants love the light. If given enough light, the plant will grow plump and tight. We will also notice a waxy dust in very bright conditions. This is the plant's natural sunscreen. When the aloe is not receiving enough light, it will thin out and be softer too the touch.

Water and Soil

  • Well draining soil
  • Allow soil to dry between watering
  • Low fertilizer need

Well draining soil is a must for succulent plants. Make sure the plant roots are not sitting in water.

Potting and Pruning

  • Pruning is not necessary, old leaves will shed on their own.
  • Plant can tolerate being root bound

We can cut a leaf anytime with a clean cutting tool to use the plant's juices. If the plant is healthy, this should have little effect on growth. Older leaves on the plant will shrivel slowly until they are dried and ready to fall. At this point, they should removable by lightly tugging on the leaf. If it's not ready to go, don't tug too heard.

last updated: 12/16/2019, 10:36:30 PM