
Most popular houseplants today originally came from tropical climates. Commercial plants also tend to live the majority of their lives in humid greenhouses before being sold to stores. This means that humidity is a big part of keeping plants happy indoors. Our homes and offices are often much drier than we realize. While we are furiously applying lip balm on our crack lips in the winter, we could also aim to maintain a more humid environment for the health of our skin and our plants.

a more humid home

Humidity can vary drastically even within a small New York apartment. Areas where running water is more common, such as bathrooms and kitchens, tend to be more humid while other spaces, such as those against a window sitting above a heating unit, will tend to be dryer. Understanding our space and our plants needs will guide us towards workable strategies. Plants are visual sensors for humidity, and their characteristics will alert us to seasonal changes before we ourselves feel the effects. The comfort zone is around 45 percent and should be good for both humans and plants.

don't go overboard

building material often don't enjoy the extra moisture. That's why our kitchen and shower have tile while the rest of the rooms are okay with paint. Too much moisture is a bad thing and can cause harmful bacteria and fungus to develop in areas of our home. Like anything with plants, find balance.

ways to increase humidity

A dry space can be remedied through various techniques. Taking the time to provide the right environment for our plants will benefit us as well.

grouping plants

Plants produce their own humidity around them. Water is transported from the roots and released into the air as the plant breathes. Placing plants in groups will help allow them to help each other build a more humid environment.

water dishes and trays

in addition to grouping plants, placing them on trays with pebbles and some water will raise the humidity as well. When adding water to the trays, be careful to not allow the water to reach the bottom of the pots. This may increase the chance of root rot. Placing open dishes or glasses of water between plants can also help increase the humidity.


Plants with high humidity and moisture needs with a can be sprayed, but for some plants it can do more harm than good. Plants with hairy leaves dry slowly, and leaves that stay damp for a long time can develop diseases. Few plants absorb water through their leaves, so we need to get to know our plant before going straight to misting.

humidity tents

Small plants can be covered with a glass bowl or shelves can be contained in plastic flaps overnight to hold in humidity around the plant.

decreasing humidity

essentially the opposite of techniques that increase humidity. Increasing airflow and more light will lead to dryer conditions. If the plant is drought tolerant, giving it a water break will definitely reduce any humidity problems.

temperature and relative humidity

relative humidity is the percentage of moisture in the air adjusted for the total amount of moisture that the air can hold without precipitation. Warmer air can sustain higher amounts of humidity than colder air. 50% humidity on a warm summer day has a higher humidity than 50% in cool winter.

houseplants are generally happy in the range of 40-60%. Some plants are more sensitive than others, but will let us know through various visual signs.

last updated: 1/27/2020, 7:36:41 PM